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I played the Resident evil 2 demo in German, because why the fuck not?!

Resident evil 2 demo in German | Yes, everything is rubbish: by Random J

I'm a Resident evil fan. Yeah...I think I can say that. I'm not a fan of every game. I've not even played them all. But I'm a fan of the franchise. Resident evil 2 ranks as not only one of my favourites in the series, but is quite possibly one of my favourite video games. It was a masterclass in how you do a sequel and transform a game that not a lot of people knew much about and spin it into something that would become a behemoth of a franchise. I certainly didn't expect that the original Resident evil would ever get a sequel, much less one as amazing as what we got in 1998. So needless to say, I'm stoked that the long rumoured REmake turned out to be real and that I get to experience a re-imagining of it.

Capcom released a playable 1-shot demo a couple of days and I'd held off of playing it, because I'm not one for horror. This makes no fucking sense, because I plan on buying this game day of release and playing the shit out of it. But my this 'fear' as it were is the exact reason why I hadn't played Resident evil 7. I just cannot with that game. I wouldn't touch it unless it was broad daylight. But I figured that it's best to at least know what I'm in for. One thing I will say, is that playing through the oft covered section of the game that we've all seen to death on every gaming website and gaming YouTube channel, is completely different to watching it. It feels so much more tense when you're the one experiencing it first-hand and having knowledge of the original Resident evil 2 doesn't help you for SHAT.

But the one thing that really took me aback as I was going through menus and setting everything up to tuck into the demo was that Resident evil's language track is available in multiple languages. One of which was German. This excited me, because I'm a weird bitch like that.

I like how German sounds. I always have. I think it's a torch I've carried since I was a teenager, due to a not-so-repressed desire of wishing that I could have studied it at school. I actually took German for a year and really liked it. I was bloody good at it too. But then my German teacher left to go and play the organ in a church full-time. And because he was the only damn German teacher in the school and there was no plan to replace him, I had to take-up Spanish for the next 4 years instead. I was pissed. I was good at Spanish. I got a B in it despite losing a year. But I always wished that I'd done German. Even with it's harder to pronounce words and fucked up sentence structure.

German always sounds direct, a tad aggressive and dramatic. And I figured that Resident evil 2 would sound great in it. So I decided to play the demo with the voice acting in German. And well...

So basically, it looks like I'll be playing through Resident evil 2 in German.

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