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Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | The Shady Bunch

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

So, episode 3 of WandaWision hit and we're now in the 70s doing The Brady Bunch, but without the bunch. Although by the end of the episode, there is a bunch. I guess. I'm not going to run through EVERY single thing that happened in this episode in detail, because in all honesty, not much did happen. But in short, Wanda gives birth to twins, Vision starts to realise that maybe something's wrong in this world they're living in, the neighbours are concerned, Geraldine's cover slips, and we see that Wanda is most definitely in partial control of things in WandaVision.

Okay, so maybe a lot did happen. But it took a fucking long time for it to do so.

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

Whilst WandaVision's attention to detail in recreating landmark US TV sitcoms is without question, its pacing is an issue. Everybody dragged the first 2 episodes of WandaVision for this same reason, but I actually liked them. Maybe I was so thrilled to have something new from the MCU, or I was buzzing from having watched MCU shenanigans for the weeks leading up to the debut of WandaVision. But episode 3 felt far too slow. Far slower than the first 2 episodes, because we were stuck in pretty much one location for the duration of the and there were fewer character interactions. The entire time I was willing it to hurry up and get to something. And as charming as Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen are together as a sitcom couple, it only carries episodes so far. 10 minutes in and I was bored. Only in the final 5 minutes do things get really good and provide some form of payoff. The kind of payoff that those who weren't into episodes 1 and 2 wanted in episodes 1 and 2.

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

Now, the catalytic moment in episode 3 where shit gets good is when Geraldine runs her fast mouth to Wanda. It's an interesting moment, because it played out very differently in the WandaVision trailers, which is reason 1 of 3000 why you can't always trust trailers. I don't see why you would, because a part of what they're intended to do is deceive, especially when keeping the plot a secret is a priority, and we know how Marvel roll.

So, Wanda mentions her brother. Geraldine mentions Ultron. Wanda starts acting more like the Wanda we know from the films. All the while Agnes and Herb (the Black guy) are chit-chatting by the hedges outside, sharing with Vision that something is off about Geraldine, and allude to things not being what they seem. But Agnes refuses to divulge any more info, leaving Vision perplexed, but Wanda isn't there to rewind his ass. Then we get our first true look at the real world outside of TV sitcom land when Wanda boots Geraldine's fine ass out of it.

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

When episodes 1 and 2 of WandaVision dropped, many MCU fans were wondering why there was no mention of Wanda's brother, Pietro. And why she brought back Vision, but not Pietro. We don't get an answer to that here. I mean, shit. We still don't know if it is indeed Wanda that brought Vision back in TV sitcom land in the first place. But it's a huge deal for Wanda to have mentioned her brother at all, as this is one of the first times we hear Wanda speak of him since he died in Age of Ultron. It's a huge moment, and the point at which the episode really starts to pick up. So much happens in such a short space of time that you may need to pull a Wanda and rewind.

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

Episode 3 did a lot of work in providing more of a context as to what is possibly happening, but keeps a lid on the why. It's as clear as Wanda's lacefront that she definitely has a level of control of this world she's in and that Vision isn't 100% in on it. He loves Wanda, so he's going along with it. But his nature as an A.I can't help but notice that certain things aren't adding up. And when he does, Wanda's hits rewind. But there are also hints that maybe Wanda isn't in this pocket reality of her own free will. We've now had two episodes reference Hydra, which could insinuate that they also have a hand in what is happening, or are at least aware of it. And in the second episode we heard the message 'Who's doing this to you Wanda?' come through the radio. So whatever the situation is, it's not quite as simple as it all being Wanda's doing. After all, anything in which S.H.I.E.L.D or S.W.O.R.D are involved in, usually has something to do with Hydra, who Wanda has a connection to, because they are the reason she has her powers.

What we've seen thus far is Wanda doing her part to maintain some form of order in this reality, and to ensure that Vision does not discover that none of it is real and that he's actually dead. Part of keeping up the jig is for everybody that's a part of this reality to stay in it, and for those outside of it, to stay out. We've already seen Wanda either hide instances of outside influence or just ignore them. And in this episode we clearly see her eject one and lie to Vision about doing so.

How much of this is Wanda's doing and how much of it is somebody else's? What exactly is S.W.O.R.D's involvement? What's the deal with the residents? And what exactly is Westview?

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

Episode 3 did a great job on pulling more of the curtain away to really show that things are not right. It also showed that, as was the case with Vision's boss choking in episode 1 and the Bee keeper in episode 3, things switch into Alfred Hitchcock mode the moment that something happens to threaten Wanda's blissful happiness in any way. The tonal shifts are so subtle because of the way each episodes crawls its way to the point each time, and does so in the most organic way. It also manages to keep to the TV show formula by being something that happens at a set point, every time. We've seen it occur in 3 episodes now, so it'll be interesting to see if this becomes a continual occurrence. Although the theme of 15 minutes of a regular TV sitcom and then 5 minutes of a bit of the twist at the very end may be getting old for some.

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

The issue with WandaVision still, even at this point, is that it is still relying on viewers knowing more than what the show gives in order to grasp what could be happening. The sword logo won't mean shit unless you know what S.W.O.R.D is. The deal with Geraldine won't mean shit unless you know who Teyonah Parris was actually cast as. And you won't know that Wanda and Vision's children have powers; with one of them having Wanda's powers and the other having Pietro's, which would explain why things went loopy in the house and why her pregnancy progressed so quickly. But these aren't necessarily crucial things to know, and will undoubtedly be explained in the show. The final moments of episode 3 did at least help fill in the gaps concerning context that episodes 1 and 2 didn't give enough of. We finally see the world outside of this TV show themed reality. We see that this pocket reality can be entered and exited by other people. We also see that this pocket reality isn't a purely mental thing, but a physical place which exits, that place being Westview. And we also see that Westview is surrounded by an energy field which looks like TV static.

We don't know the why's just yet, but just knowing more of the what goes a long way. But this episode also raised specific questions outside of just the general 'What is going on?'. Questions are far more specific because we have more to go on. Are the residents of this neighbourhood real people? What would happen to them if they were ejected from the TV world as Geraldine was? Are they imprisoned? Are they even alive? Are Wanda and Vision's children real? Will we see the children age as quickly over the course of episodes as they blitzed through to term? Why did Geraldine run her mouth about Ultron to Wanda, and then act so strangely? If Wanda did indeed bring Vision back into this pocket reality, then why did she not bring her brother back too? And what is the deal with Agnes? And why is Wanda so perturbed by the S.W.O.R.D logo?

These questions gives you more of a basis on which to build potential theories. Although if you're up on The Vision & Scarlet Witch and House of M comics, then you probably have some idea. But you can be rest assured, that even with WandaVision pulling from the comics, it will still pulls twists and turns that nobody will see coming, just as Marvel did with Endgame.

What's going to be interesting from here on out is seeing how the show incorporates what's happening outside of this TV show world version of Westview. If maintaining the accuracy and feel of a TV show is the theme of WandaVision, then hopping us in and out may kill that. Or maybe we'll get an episode or two dedicated to the goings on of S.W.O.R.D and 'Geraldine' outside of it. And another question for those who know Geraldine's true identity is does she have her powers?

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

Episode 3 was slow moving, but made up for it in its final moments which finally brought the show to the crucial point of actually caring about where things go, as opposed to just wondering what the whole show itself is. We've never really had a full on Marvel mystery in the MCU before, and it's going to be fun seeing things reveal themselves and what WandaVision is potentially building up to, which will of course be carried through into the films and the other shows.

WandaVision still feels a little wonky and the pacing is still an issue, but the one thing which remains unwavering is the level of detail. This episode was a faithful recreation of The Brady Bunch with elements of other 70s sitcoms such as Mary Tyler Moore. Not just with the look and set re-creations, but the writing, the acting style, the sound, the wardrobe and the editing. The Emmy's hate superhero everything so WandaVision probably won't win shit, but it definitely deserves something. What Marvel are delivering with each episode is a literal marvel visually and from a technical standpoint. And as with previous episodes, there are a tonne of Easter eggs abound, either in reference to the era of the show being parodied, Marvel lore, or those which are self-referential and episode specific. Some of them are nothing more than nods, whilst others are clues as to what could be happening (i.e the Hydra soak commercial).

Talkin' some shit about... WandaVision - Episode 3 | Yes. Everything is Rubbish. By Random J (?J)

WandaVision had a weird start, even coming from somebody who liked episodes 1 and 2. And whilst episode 3 was slow to begin with and truly required you to really love The Brady Bunch (which I didn't and probably speaks to why I found the episode so boring), it ended on the right note. It finally feels like WandaVision can begin, and it's going to be interesting seeing how the events at the end of episode 3 impact Wanda and Vision in episode 4. Because simply rewinding doesn't seem like it'll be an option, especially if Vision plays dumb.

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